Top 5 Spiritual Herbs - Sirius Herbal

At Sirius Herbal we pride ourselves in sourcing the best quality sacred or spiritual herbs and shipping them to customers all over the world. These herbs are considered sacred all around the world, used in different religions and indigenous cultures to cleanse a space, create positive energy and are known to “generate the divine within”.

We sell a wide range of sacred herbs in our shop, but because it can be quite hard to choose, today we’re giving a rundown of our most popular spiritual herbs and telling you what they are, where they come from and why they are considered sacred herbs. If you need any information, or help selecting products, please don’t hesitate to contact us and let us advise you.

Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark

Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark has been used for centuries by indigenous communities as part of religious rituals, ceremonies and for traditional medicine. It grows in Mexico, Central America and Brazil and rural communities rely on this tree for a wide range of uses. It recovers quickly after forest fires, growing quickly and enhancing the soil both by increasing the nitrogen content and providing leaves which turn into mulch. Mimosa Hostilis is considered a sacred herb as indigenous communities across the Americas, particularly in Afro-Brazilian communities, where they use the herb as part of their rituals which link tradition and ethnic identity. Many shamanistic ceremonies also feature mimosa hostilis. Other communities use it to prevent infections, treat stomach problems, make poultices from Mimosa Hostilis to treat wounds and burns and it is used on the skin to treat fungal infections, improve skin conditions and prevent premature aging. Find out more on our blog by reading our articles on what is mimosa hostilis and what is it used for and its ancient and traditional uses. We have the chopped root bark available for sale in our shop to be used as a natural dye and it creates a lovely purple colour when extracted.

Banisteriopsis Muricata Caapi Red

This herb comes from a tropical vine which grows in Brazil and is widely used in indigenous cultures as part of shamanistic and religious ceremonies. In these cultures it is used to create Ayahuasca, which shamans and healers use in ceremonies to gain access to information from unseen realms and the natural environment. The rituals tend to focus around healing and divination and are sacred and intimately connected with their cultures and beliefs. We sell Banisteriopsis Muricata Caapi Red online to allow our customers to extract its dark yellow colour and use it as a natural dye.

Borneo Red Vein & Maeng Da Green

These are two types of Kratom powder, both from Indonesia and well known for their potent alkaloid content. Kratom is an evergreen tree which grows in many parts of Southeast Asia and can reach up to 80ft in size. Their dark green leaves contain various alkaloids and substances and it has been used for thousands of years in folk medicine throughout Southeast Asia and believed to have healing and therapeutic properties. It has been studied for its medicinal purposes in Europe since the 19th Century and is considered a sacred herb because of this. The Borneo red strain comes from the rainforests in Borneo and within this there are red and white varieties. Maeng Da is known for its strong scent and particularly high alkaloid content. Kratom can be used as a dye and can produce a vibrant reddish-brown colour. View our kratom range on our website and contact us for advice on the best options for your desired results.

Diplopterys Cabrerana Chaliponga

This vine grows in the Amazon basin and has been used by the indigenous communities of the Amazon as part of healing and spiritual rituals. It is used to take shaman and community elders or social groups on an introspective journey and to connect with their emotions and spirits. It is thought to offer a gateway to communicate with the divine and is known by tribes as holy medicine. There is evidence of it being used for over 1,000 years for shamanic purposes, to learn more about themselves or their natural environment and for spiritual and physical healing.

We hope our rundown of sacred herbs has helped you to choose the right one for you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about using these sacred herbs as natural dyes and what you’re looking for. You can email or call our Spanish head office on +34 611 305 929 and we’ll ship to you wherever you are in the world.

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